Philips Cx50 User Manual
- The CX50 CompactXtreme provides premium class performance in a compact ultrasound system – even on technically difficult patients. So you don't have to sacrifice performance to get the portability benefits of a compact ultrasound product.
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Description On its introduction in 2008, the Philips CX50 ultrasound machine established itself as the Gold Standard of portable cardiac ultrasound machines, and it still leads the pack. This premium portable machine is known best for its cardiac imaging, but the refurbished Philips CX50 also excels as a fully shared service system, which makes it ideal in larger practices, hospitals, emergency departments, or other point of care situations. Its cardiac abilities are considered by most as best-in-class, providing excellent wall definition with minimal artifact, and very good image quality on difficult-to-image patients/deep penetration. Philips CX50 Imaging Features One of the more important technologies featured in the CX50 ultrasound is the PureWave crystal technology. These single crystal transducers provide improved image quality throughout the ultrasound image.
Results for philips cx50 user manual High Speed Direct Downloads philips cx50. The Philips CX50 CompactXtreme system is the first ultrasound machine to.
In addition to PureWave single-crystal probes, the CX50 includes all the top imaging technologies found on advanced portable ultrasounds, such as Compound imaging (SonoCT), Speckle Reduction (XRES), Needle Visualization, IMT, and Tissue Harmonics. The most advanced features of the Philips CX50 are focused mainly on cardiac imaging. These technologies include:.
Strain Quantification. MicroVascular Imaging. 3D quantification. Cardiac motion quantification with speckle tracking technology.
Smart Exam automated protocols. Live3D (4D) TEE. Mitral Valve Quantification. ICE Intracardiac Echo Providian Medical Expert Review: The refurbished Philips CX50 is considered one of the best-imaging portable cardiac ultrasound machines for sale. Loyal Philips customers will call this the best portable cardiac machine, while users of other systems well it’s likely they’ll also agree that this is the best cardiac portable machine. We like it for its ease-of-use and image quality.
Its portability allows it to be an excellent system for needle-guidance procedures in MSK, vascular access, pain management, and surgical situations. However, its best features remain cardiovascular imaging, but it is very powerful and very good as a shared service ultrasound machine.

User Manual

2 USB ports. Video out port. Pedoff port. DVD RW. Internal Hard Drive.
DICOM. Tissue Motion Quantification (TMQ). Strain Quantification (SQ). S5-1 and X7-2t transducers. PureWave Crystal Technology. XRES Adaptive Image Processing Transducers.
Support for premium performance 2D and Doppler for wide range of uses including, abdominal, vascular, breast, MSK, pediatrics, superficial, surgical and cardiac applications. 'Point of Care' ultrasound machine refers to the rapidly growing group of clinicians performing and interpreting ultrasound at the bedside. This includes surgery, emergency medicine, Intensive Care (ICU) and musculoskeletal care. 'Point of Care' ultrasounds provide rapid diagnosis, visualization of tissue, and needle visualization for procedures at bedside. Some medical schools are providing ultrasound machines to their students to carry around during their clinical rotations. What is Needle Visualization or Needle Enhancement?
Yes, our Providian Medical Field Service offers optional service packages with the purchase of the Philips CX50 Ultrasound Machine. You can choose a 1,2,3,4,or 5 year service agreement. Providian offers a discount for service agreements that last longer than one year. You also have the option to pursue a service contract with Philips.
A Providian refurbished Philips CX50 Ultrasound Machine is guaranteed to be accepted for OEM services should you choose to do so. Can the Philips CX50 Ultrasound Equipment be shipped outside of the US?
Philips is one of the worlds largest electronic corporations, with a large sector of their development taking place in medical imaging equipment. Philips produces a full range of ultrasound machines including several models with enhanced HD capabilities. Our ultrasound repair team at Providian Medical Field Service is experienced with the unique mechanics of Philips ultrasound units. We are prepared to fix or service your, or any other Philips ultrasound equipment. Contact Providian today to speak to an ultrasound tech about your Philips repair or serving needs.

Contact A Local Philips Ultrasound Service Engineer in Your Area You can expect your Philips ultrasound equipment to be repaired and serviced by a local ultrasound repair tech at your door. The ultrasound repair engineers at Providian are prepared to provide you with localized maintenance and repair service across our 11 geographical regions in the United States. Give the repair team at Providian a call today to schedule your Philips ultrasound repair needs or preventive maintenance appointment. Philips Ultrasound Service Contract Keep your Philips ultrasound machine and Philips probes in good order by signing up for a Philips ultrasound service contract.
Our service contracts for maintenance and repair of Philips ultrasound equipment can be tailored to meet your servicing needs. Service and maintenance contracts can include preventive maintenance visits, single year or multi-year contracts, probe testing, and a 24 hour or less on site response time service. Our experienced ultrasound engineers provide professional service at an affordable price. Contact Providian today for more information on Philips ultrasound service contract options. Need Access To Philips Ultrasound Service Manuals? Some Philips ultrasound issues can be repaired independently with the help of an owner’s manual. Are you in need of a Philips user guide to fix a simple Philips problem independently?
Providian is your source for Philips ultrasound owner’s manuals and user guides. Contact us today to find out how to purchase a Philips owner’s guide.