Gregorys Workshop Manual 268
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. Keywords:. covers:. Commodore Lexcen Series VN VP VQ VR and VS (Also includes Series VS through 1998). Engines Covered:. three point eight litre Vee Six.
5.0 litre V8 Please note: This manual does not include information specific to LPG models or the supercharged Vee Six engine.
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Haynes Workshop Manual

Gregory's Service and Repair Manuals are written by automotive engineers and aimed at the practically minded car owners who wish to keep there car in a safe reliable condition condition and, at the same time, reduce running and maintenance costs. Information you can trust over 50 years experience in producing automotive manuals each manual is based on an actual vehicle stripdown researched and written by automotive engineers with vast experience gives you the confidence to tackle most tasks – even on the latest model vehicles identifies which jobs are better left to the professional.